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IT Services Provider

We are global smart hands

Expand your IT capabilities with Global Smart Hands. Our international network of 5,000+ IT professionals provides comprehensive services, including EPOS and retail support, network solutions, and on-site resource allocation. Experience seamless IT management, anywhere, anytime.

Fast response Attentive service

Expert 24/7 International IT Support and Managed Services

Your trusted global IT partner, infrastructure operations and technical support provider. We have a team of more than 5,000 skilled IT engineers, covering more than 100 countries or regions around the world, to provide you with thoughtful dance support at any time.

Your Trusted Partner in Global IT Infrastructure and Support

Global IT Professionals

Your trusted global IT partner, infrastructure operations and technical support provider. We have a team of more than 5,000 skilled IT engineers, covering more than 100 countries or regions around the world, to provide you with thoughtful dance support at any time.

//Our services

for Global IT Support & Maintenance


Company Profile


Global IT consulting firm for fast on-demand maintenance
We provide on-site IT support in more than 150 countries, with fast 4-hour response times in major cities. Expand your global business without the cost of full-time staff. No matter where your business is located, we are committed to delivering results. Our mission is to be the most trusted global IT managed services company and a valued partner to our clients, and to be recognized by our clients for service excellence


What We Provide

Full Time Resource

Full Time Resource

Allocate engineers for adaptable, affordable, and skill-specific support in end-user, network, and data center assistance

24X7 International IT Support

24X7 International IT Support

Your reliable, affordable third-party maintenance option for your complete IT infrastructure is 24x7 worldwide IT support

Epos and Retail Support

Epos and Retail Support

Global Smart Hands tech team guarantees minimal downtime, supporting various installations, and swift EPOS solutions

IMAC (Installs, Moves, Adds and Changes)

IMAC (Installs, Moves, Adds and Changes)

Your one-stop solution for data center and office needs, from relocation to hardware installation, with expert care

Desktop Support Development

Desktop Support Development

Desktops, servers, and networks are deployed by experienced international professionals for cost savings and quick, effective deployment globally

Network and IT Infrastructure

Network and IT Infrastructure

Customized network management for peak performance, with personalized dashboards, Special to your business needs

End User Support

End User Support

Empower end users worldwide with swift IT support, 24x7 availability, and customized SLAs across 150+ countries

Site Survey

Site Survey

Global experts in IT audits, pre or post-deployment surveys, & device installation, delivering precise reports & client inventory worldwide


Our Projects

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What Says Our Clients

Global Coverage Map

Global Coverage Map